RECIPE: Cacao Crackles!

You don’t need a party as an excuse to make these – shape them as bars and they become an excellent, nutritious snack on the trails.

Australian Mountain Bike 12.03.2023

Words: Fiona Herron
Photo: Chris Herron

Time to Celebrate! Congratulations AMB – wow, 200 issues – what a milestone! What better way to celebrate than a cheeky cacao crackle – a healthy version of the good ol’ chocolate crackle.  

Some of you may remember Mesquite (pronounced meh-skeet) powder from the Cacao Chia pudding (way back in issue 183!) – this powder is made by grinding the ripe seed-pods from the Mesquite tree (native to Southern America). It has a slightly nutty, caramel flavour and I use it a lot with cacao as it adds a beautiful depth to the overall flavour.

The other ingredient that may need some introduction is Cacao butter – this is the edible fat extracted from the cacao (cocoa) bean – actually 50% of the bean weight is fat. This butter is rich in nutrients and antioxidants and adds a beautiful creamy texture. Those who know me, know that I’ve always been a firm supporter of healthy fats and the benefits they deliver – cacao butter does not disappoint. Known to induce feelings of calm and reduce feelings of anxiety because of its effects on the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin – there are so many reasons to include cacao butter in your diet. Enjoy!


Use organic where possible and always read ingredient labels.

– 8 large medjool dates (pitted and roughly chopped)

– 1 cup raw cashews (roughly chopped)

– 2 tbs cacao nibs

– 2 tbs cacao powder

– 1 tbs mesquite powder

– ½ cup cacao butter 

– 1 tbs coconut oil

– 1 tbs maple syrup 

– 2 cups rice puffs (you can also use millet puffs – or any other puffed grain you’d prefer)


    1. Using a high-speed blender, blitz the cashews until they become a fine flour
    2. Add the dates, cacao nibs and cacao butter – blend until the mix becomes soft and sticks together when pressed with a spatula
    3. Add the maple syrup, coconut oil, cacao powder and mesquite powder and continue to blend until the mix is uniform and very soft – repeat the blitz and scrape down process 2 or 3 times to make sure the mix is ready for the rice puffs
    4. Once the mix is completely blended and soft, scrape into a large mixing bowl and add the rice puffs – using gloves, hand mix – making sure the rice puffs are evenly distributed throughout the mix
    5. Weigh out 36g amounts and mould into desired shape – balls or bars 
    6. Place into fridge to cool and set


  • Store in the fridge in an air-tight container and these guys will last for months

Nutrition per serve (approx 36g serve):

Energy – 736kJ

Protein – 8.8g

Fat – 30.5g

Carbohydrate – 41.4g