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Mountain Biking in Victoria's Alpine Foothills

A visit to the Victorian High Country shouldn't be a one stop visit.

Mike Blewitt 01.02.2019

There is a whole lot to like about riding in the Victorian High Country. But we are absolutely certain that any trip to the region shouldn't just skip through the valleys and head to the alpine resorts of Falls Creek and Mt Buller. If you have the time, make sure you check out the towns of Bright, Mt Beauty, Yackandandah and Beechworth.

The range of options in the area is what really makes it. If it's hot in the valleys towns, Mt Buller, Falls Creek and Mt Baw Baw will offer respite. But if it's too cold up there or those trails are closed, chances are you can ride the towns in the valleys.

This is a sneak peek gallery by Dominic Hook – but you can find the full feature in our new issue!