MTBA National DH RD 1: Coffs Harbour

'He won with a multitool stuck in his through axle'

Robert Conroy 22.01.2018

The first downhill of the 2018 National Series has been won by Jack Moir with an unbelievable seven second victory.

It was the first time since 2012 that a race has been held at the Coffs Harbour track and the first ever national race. A legendary trail amongst New South Welshman, it was welcomed with open arms by the wider community. Fast loose and without weeks of rain, especially dusty.

Saturday was a tale of blown out corners as riders got used to the track. It's a hard track to race with the once five minute trail, now sub four pointing almost straight down the ridge line to the bottom of the hill. Sporatic gaps and playful lines, break the fast downward assault but if anything the heart of the track is it's speed. With shuttles running on point, it was one of the most complaint free races on record. Well apart from the parking. 

Seeding went to program, with both number one plate holders Jack Moir and Danni Beecroft falling into their appropriate slots. And it looked as if the status quo might remain the same come racing. U19's was a little more animate. with Ethan Corney putting down the fastest time. Eyes were upon Pat Butler with his new signing to Mondraker but he had arrived with a borrowed bike. Only Sundays times would tell.

Sunday. Dust covers everything in a thin film as racers get to task with their final practice runs. New holes emerge and there is little time to adjust with the two hours of practice on offer. Before midday racing gets underway and by mid afternoon, we're into the tight end. 

Elite Women lead out the charge. Dannielle Beecroft taking the win ahead of Lisa Mathison just three seconds behind. Tegan Molloy brings home third.

 U19's was taken out by Matt Carter with some stiff competition in the forms of Aaron Gungl and Nik Barber. The later riders falling into second and third, separated by mere hundreths of a second. In U19's womens young up and comer Ellie Smith continued her rise with another decisive victory.


In Elite Men, times were falling fast, the rate of hot seat succession unfolding rapidly. As the race entered the final five, a victor seemed to have been found when third seed Graeme Mudd crossed the line with an impressive 3:28. 9. Second seed Joel Willis followed suit but was unable to rock the boat. Then with only a few seconds on the board, the announcer made the call, Jack Moir out of the race with a flat tyre. As congratulations started, and spectators began to lament sudden end of show. Dust appeared in the distance and a sprint Jack appeared. With a knee guards around his ankles and a mult tool wedged in his through axle, he crossed the line with a blistering 3:21.1 and the win.

What happened? With minutes to start, Moir's rear tyre went flat. Frantically he tried to pump it up to no avail, with seconds to go, a spare tube was inserted. Part way through the process, Moir's start time came and went. With the wheel back on and precious seconds disappearing, he rolled straight to the start and through to the win.

An unexpectedly epic start to the Downhill National season and with the next just two weeks away, make sure you get to Awaba.

Full Results


Words and photos : Robert Conroy