Cape to Cape 2018 course revealed!

Cape to Cape have announced their 2018 course, there's something old, something new...

Mike Blewitt 06.06.2018

Cape to Cape is just about the biggest mountain bike event in Australia – it's certainly the biggest in the west! And after a cracker of a 10th anniversary, the event team are finally over their hangover and have put a fresh new stage plan together. There's some new stuff, some old stuff, some fresh stuff, fun stuff, easy stuff – just the right mimx for four days of mountain biking in and around the Margaret River area.

Four days, four ways in Western Australia.

Stage 1: Cape Leeuwin – 45km | 950m

Cape Leeuwin is a familiar start for Cape to Cape – but it's a new finish. With riders gazing across the azure sea and ordering every last coffee, biscuit, muffin or sandwich in the cafe near the lighthouse, this event start has a real buzz.

Photo: Travis Deane

The normal mass start goes up Heartbreak Hill, with a new trail taking you to Deepdene Beach, including a new rock section. You'll loop back via the golf course to finish back where you started – no awkward car shuffles required.

Need to get fit? Here's how!


Your finish on this stage will seed you into start waves for the following stages, to make sure everyone on the trails in appropriate group sizes to keep the stoke high and the traffic jams low.

AMB's tips for Stage 1:

This is the day to make it count! But that doesn't mean you need to go out guns blazing. Start strong and settle into your rhythm, then pick the pace up once you're off the beach and see how many people you can overtake in the back half.

Stage 2 : Boranup Forest – 63km | 575m

Just a quick drive out of Margaret River, Stage 2 is based out of Leeuwin Estate. Yep, it could be worse. From your allocated wave after Stage 1, you'll head towards Jarrahdene. There's plenty of good trails on offer and this stage doesn't leave much out, including 2 Pints of Guinness, Emu Drive, Tunnel Run, 3 Rocks, Lord of The Rings, The Quarry, and finally… Highway to Hell.

You'll hit Conto's Beach and Bobs Hollow and come back in to Leeuwin Estate via singletrack laced with pea gravel – stay alert!

Don't miss these tips on nutrition for stage races!

With soft grass, shade, food and drinks all in abundance at the finish, this has got to be one of the best stages to drop your bike at the finish and remember that you're on holiday. Tell some stories, listen to some, and revel in the fact you have two more days of riding trails in and around Margaret River.

Leave it all out there!

AMB's tip for Stage 2:

This is the longest stage for the race. Sure, it's not much longer, but pack something extra in your pockets. That should also include some cash for food at the finish, as with so many fun trails you'll be on the gas all morning, and more than likely you'll cross the line ready for a burger. Don't get caught running on empty at 10km to go, carry what you'll need!

If you invest in the bikewash service you have more time to rest.

Stage 3: Margaret River – 45km | 550m

Rolling out through Margaret River is a bit of a tradition for Stage 3 – and that's not changing in 2018. There will be a wave start down on Carters Road before you shoot off towards the local's favourite trails – Farm Run, Burnside Loop, Princess Leia, the Pines, Compartment 10 and Warncliffe Mill.

Need to upskill your riding? Check out some skills courses.


With a new stage plan, once you're off Carters Road you're off road until you finish back there. All dirt, all day. That's what you signed up for, right?

Landing back into Margaret River the world is your oyster to get your fill. Eat up, drink up, and get ready for the final stage on Sunday. We hear Margaret River Distillery is highly recommended.

AMB's tip for Stage 3:

This one always starts fast as the trails off Carters Road have a bit of a natural selection. Feeling strong? Go for it. Not so sure? Let everyone else battle it out ahead and sit back and ride the trails stress free.

Not your fight? Then chill!

Stage 4: Cowaramup/Middle Earth – 57km | 521m

With a start and finish at Colonial Brewery you're right near Margaret River, so ride out or drive out and get ready for the final day of fun.

Make sure you know what to train for – try these tips.


The trails of Middle Earth are a stand out feature for Cape to Cape. They're a maze of hand-crafted trails that feel like they trace a spiral of singletrack until you finally unwind in the other way, a little dazed, a little confused, but with a smile from ear to ear.

After leaving the forest a series of gravel roads present you with your final challenge. A couple of super-fun water crossings between you and the finish line.  Nobody knows how deep the second water crossing might be (we’ll have divers on stand-by) but once safely negotiated, you’re only a short burst away from the famous finish at Colonial Brewery.

Take 5 and take in your achievement. Staying out of trouble and upright for four days in a row isn't always straight-forward!

AMB's tip for Stage 4:

Day 4 can bring tired legs and minds. But stay sharp and hit Middle Earth wide eyed and ready. If you're buzzing it's fun but if you're tired you'll get frustrated. Middle Earth rewards being active on the bike and looking up to find your line. 

So are you in? Get more details via the Cape to Cape website.