JetBlack 12 Hour event finds new home

The JetBlack 12 Hour is the largest endurance race of its kind in NSW and every few years it is time for something new and exciting.

AMB Magazine 05.03.2014

The JetBlack 12 Hour is the largest endurance race of its kind in NSW and every few years it is time for something new and exciting.


We decided to move the event to a new location at the James Estate Winery in the Upper Hunter Valley. This new location and a new date around school holidays will guarantee an awesome weekend out. We also changed the event schedule to start the race at 11am and will hold a flower ceremony after the race finish.

The official ceremony is planned to kick off a mass-breakfast-brunch session in the James Estate paddocks where all riders come together to recover and then to discover the delicious James Estate wines and the fares and attractions of the Hunter Valley on the way home.


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