The AMB100: A singletrack marathon

The AMB100 was run for the 2nd time at Mt Stromlo. Lots of singletrack, lots of rock, lots of sun - and lots of the best riders in the country turned out for a great event.

Mike Blewitt 09.02.2015

As the dust settles on Mt Stromlo (that’s a joke – when would it ever settle?) we can look back at the second AMB100 and consider that it is a special kind of marathon race in the Australian scene. Firstly, it’s lap based. Beyond the annual XCM Championships not many marathons run on laps. Many run on a few loops, but not laps of the same course. This is a benefit for spectating, rider safety and of course a boat load of fun. There’s a lot of demanding singletrack. A number of other marathons in Australia also feature a lot of thin brown trails. The Kowalski Classic is probably the most notable. But Mt Stromlo feels very different to Kowen Forest and Sparrow Hill. It’s rough, hot and dry. There’s more rock, and far more upper body work in getting your bike around the course safely, efficiently – and quickly. Whilst the challenges are definitely there, it’s not all hard work. The trails on offer this year had riders praising organisers for such an offering. Here is a little of what was on offer: after climbing to the top of the mount riders headed down ‘Pork Barrel’ before utilising much more of the back side of the mountain. Where racers were able to enjoy some of the lesser seen trails of the park before returning along such favourites as ‘Party Line’ and ‘Luge’ with a few surprises thrown in. All ending in a trail configuration rarely seen in a racing situation. Whoops and hollers on the descents clearly heard throughout the treeline the only proof ever needed.

Mt Stromlo’s proximity to Canberra means it always draws a strong crowd and plenty of local riders who know the trails like the back of their hands. That in itself lifts the grade of racing equallyto it’s proximity to the National race the day before. Many national level racers choosing to stick around creating a unique race where XCO masters were pitted against Marathon racing regulars. RESULTS – All are listed online.

All up, the AMB100 is a tremendous challenge, but one that is that little more manageable due to it’s position right in a capital city and with plenty of infrastructure. The Rocky Trail Entertainment crew have found a good formula for this early season marathon. In time, it would be great to see the race grow, as it has from 2014 to 2015. We’d like to see a few more people join in and bring their tents to grow theevent centre, see some guaranteed elite prize money to make sure the best racers turn up, and maybe think about which the premier categories are - it really looked like the racer’s choice might be the 2 lap race and not the 3 lap race this year. But what might the future hold? This race is one to check out for 2016, if you truly want to test your mountain bike skills over a marathon distance.