REMY MORTON - The future of Australian downhill

Remy Morton is another kid who is set to become a household name like Troy Brosnan or emerging star Andrew Crimmins.

Robert Conroy 06.08.2014

Remy Morton is another kid who is set to become a household name like Troy Brosnan or emerging star Andrew Crimmins. This quietly spoken rider is fast but he’s also able to control his speed something not ever really seen in fast juniors. This National series past he regularly put large time deficits into riders in his own age category and laid down times that would have seen him mixed up in the Elite Mens category. Not yet eligible to race World Cups, even in the junior category his time will soon come. Watch this space.

Captyvate Media’s Ty Bowmaker spent over a week with Remy to produce this edit, visiting Remy’s pumptrack and local downhill tracks on Queenslands, Gold Coast. So sit back, relax and admire just how fast this junior is.

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Photo : Tim Bardsley-Smith