SCOTT 24 HR - Entries close soon

CORC is happy to announce that the Australian 24 Hour Mountain Bike Championships are on again for 2014.

Robert Conroy 15.09.2014

CORC is happy to announce that the Australian 24 Hour Mountain Bike Championships are on again for 2014. With the changing nature and demand of 24 hour racing in Australia CORC is looking to reshape the event to keep pace with the desires of you, the competitors.

In 1999 the Canberra Off – Road Cyclists hosted the first 24-hour moutain bike race in Australia near what is now Stromlo Forest Park. Since that time over 25,000 riders have enjoyed the best 24 hour race in the country, some would say the best in the world.

Register Today!

Online registrations close 18/09/2014

Music: Shooting Star by Dexter Britain